Bought this deal on groupgolfer.com but it expired. We couldn't get out there because of the weather. However we were in the area so we were finally able to get there. We only had to pay an additional $10 each to golf. Right at the beginning, the pros: very nice people, beautiful clubhouse and the cons: no view of the golf course from the clubhouse. The course itself is a little drive from the clubhouse, the starter was extremely nice and very proud of the course. It's almost entirely links style with a few trees. The starter said cart path only, however there were very few paths and most of them were rocky paths. The fairways were in nice condition as were the greens. Most of the greens were tricky with pin position in almost impossible positions. There was water on only one hole but lots of wetlands, bunkers and grassy areas. There was no cart person and no bathrooms, just a couple of port-a-potties. There were quite a few of well dressed women golfers on the course and I can't believe they used port-a-potties. I didn't so I can't speak to their condition. My husband really enjoyed the course and would gladly golf there again. I did like the course but am not really crazy about links style and definitely not crazy about port-a-potties! There is a small "house" between holes 1, 9, and 10 but when we were there, she was up at the clubhouse so we drove up there, went to the bathroom, grabbed drinks and ran to hole 10. The weekday price is $40 which seems very reasonable for this course. It was pretty crowded but everything moved well.