We decided to take a short driving trip down south to golf at Justin Timberlakes course, Mirimichi, in Tennessee. On the way down we stopped at this course. It was a public, city owned course. There was a pretty steady stream of players. The course was not in the best of condition - don't know if this was because of the time of the year or if it's always like this. It seemed like all the courses down south had that weird yellowish kind of grass that's kind of hard to hit out of, it's so spongy. The tee boxes were rough but OK and the greens, for the most part, were in OK condition. The folks here were really nice - no cart girl at this time of year of course and they didn't sell alcohol, probably cause it's city owned. There were port a potties out there, didn't use one though so no comment about cleanliness. The course was pretty flat with some sand and some water. Jerry ate a sandwich which he wasn't crazy about but I didn't eat anything. It was about $25 a person to golf. There were a few nice holes and, given the opportunity, would probably golf here again.
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